Josh (almost 5 yo) and I with our new Detroit Tiger shirts waiting to watch the game. The date on the pic is wrong. Aug. 31, 2016 was the date. He loves his shirt (and mama). Jimmy John the bird is in the cage on the right. He also watches the games with us.
Mr. Peanut was "born" in 1916 and is still number one but...guess who is number two!! Because I took my Mr. P doll (in my hand in the pic), that made me a special friend of Mr. Peanut and I got a special gift. It was a flash drive that is shaped and looks like Mr. P! What a fun time it was meeting him and talking to the Peanutters who travel with him in a 24 foot long truck that looks like a peanut called...the NUTmobile.
I grew in Adrian Michigan playing softball and enjoying youth group activities at church. By 13 years old I was on a traveling summer softball team. I played softball summers until 1973. In 1972 I won the Golden Glove Award on the team that was third in the State of Michigan. After softball I golfed for several years winning trophies for Most Improved Golfer, First Place in the league and in a golf tournament in Jackson Michigan.
At Madison High School (Adrian) I played varsity basketball and was the leading scorer, was in the National Honor Society, member of the Future Teachers Club, voted Best Girl Athlete, and graduated in the Top Ten of the 1968 grauation class.
Huntington College, now Huntington University, in Huntington Indiana is where I received my Bachelor of Science degree in 1972 with a physical education, health and recreation major and minors in science and English. I received my varsity letter for basketball and volleyball. I also played tennis, was the goalie on the field hockey team and threw the javelin and softball on the track team.
Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti Michigan is where I did my 18 hours towards a Master's Degree in physical education, health and recreation. (1975 - 1978)
Central Michigan University is where I received my Driver's Education Certification for teaching driver's education in 1993. I survived teaching driver's education for six years.
In 2005 I finished my Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Bread of Life Bible College after completing three years from Rhema Correspondence Bible School, classes from Christian International and Bread of Life Bible College.
The four years that I was going to college, I spent summers working in a factory on various machines making parts for kitchen cabinets and medicine cabinets.
I taught school in Lenawee County for 36 years.
I taught:
Middle and High School
Driver's Education
Substitute teaching
Home-Bound Students
Tutored for Michigan Rehabilitation
Employability Skills, Reading, Life, Earth & Physical Science, Health, and Biology
The last 13 years I taught in Juvenile Correction Facilities.
I coached Varsity and Junior Varsity Softball and Volleyball at a high school for three years. The softball team won the District Championship the third year.
Listen To His Heartbeat - Devotion Book
Listen To HIS Heartbeat #2 - Devotion Book
A story in two Chicken Soup for the Soul books, "Living with Akzheimer's & Other Dementias" and "for Mom, with love"
Stories in three anthology books by Hidden Brooke Press
Driver's Education story that appeared in The Daily Telegram and Interlink Magazine
A story for The Write Life e-zine who chose me for the "Subscriber Spotlight" in 2014
A "Letter to the Editor" in The Daily Telegram Newspaper (twice)
My books (not me) have traveled for Book Expos, Fairs and International Christian Retail Shows to:
London England
Frankfurt Germany
Hershey PN
Nashville TN
Atlanta GA
New Your City NY
Homecoming Magazine by Bill & Gloria Gather
Singing News Magazine - Southern Gospel
Christian Book Browser - magazine by Salem Banner Ads
Huntington University Alumni & Friends
Eastern Michigan University Magazine
WABJ Radio Station in Adrian MI did a live interview in 2011
Key Note Speaker at a Ladies Tea at Adrian Church of God
"All About Women Health Fair & Expo" - book signing
Many more book signings in Adrian, Tecumseh, and Blissfield MI
Adrian Chamber of Comerce 2016 Senior Lifestyle Expo (Adrian Mall)
From Linda Rose Etter
Cakes N' Shakes in Blissfield MI
From Christian Book Distributors
Xulon Press at
A Book For All
most on-line book sellers
Also....from this site through PayPal on my page "Purchase".
You can use a credit card on PayPal.
If PayPal isn't working, call me and leave a message or email me. Thanks 517-263-7068